Kamis, 29 September 2011

your adorable Swift

Taylor Swift is well-known for favoring floaty, feminine frocks (phew, how's that for alliteration?). Her signature style backfired on her unexpectedly, however, during her tour stop in St. Louis on Sunday.
Swift took the stage that evening to perform her hit "You Belong With Me," dressed in one of her trademark gowns. A wind machine on stage must have been ill-placed, because the singer stepped in front of it--and it blew her dress's swishy skirt right up, fully exposing her rear end!

Most admirably, Swift kept her cool during the little blowup. Most girls would have reflexively grabbed at the skirt--but, ever the professional, Swift merely scuttled a bit and continued on with her performance. In fact, fans watching her from the front probably had no idea any funny business had gone on.  

Swift is currently in the North American leg of her largely sold-out Speak Now world tour. You can check dates here. She's also just released a new video from Speak Now, "Sparks Fly," which features scenes from the tour (including a big selection of floaty dresses--although they all stay down in this case).


the gracious switzerland

Switzerland (German: die Schweiz,[note 3] French: Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansh: Svizra), officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,[note 4] where it is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.
Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps, the Central Plateau and the Jura, spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 7.9 million people concentrates mostly on the Plateau, where the largest cities are to be found. Among them are the two global cities and economic centres of Zurich and Geneva.

The Swiss Confederation has a long history of neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations until 2002. It pursues, however, an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world.[6] Switzerland is also the birthplace of the Red Cross and home to a large number of international organizations, including the second largest UN office. On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association and is part of the Schengen Area – although it is notably not a member of the European Union, nor the European Economic Area.
In nominal terms, Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world by per capita gross domestic product, with a nominal per capita GDP of $75,835.[4] In 2010, Switzerland had the highest wealth per adult of any country in the world (with $372,692 for each person).[7] Switzerland also has one of the world's largest account balances as a percentage of GDP, only placing behind a few oil producing countries. Zurich and Geneva have respectively been ranked as the cities with the second and third highest quality of life in the world.[8] In 2010 the World Economic Forum ranked Switzerland as the most competitive country in the world,[9] while ranked by the European Union as Europe's most innovative country by far.[10]
Switzerland comprises three main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, and Italian, to which the Romansh-speaking valleys are added. The Swiss therefore do not form a nation in the sense of a common ethnic or linguistic identity. The strong sense of belonging to the country is founded on the common historical background, shared values (federalism, direct democracy, neutrality)[11] and Alpine symbolism.[12] The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291; Swiss National Day is celebrated on the anniversary.


Sabtu, 03 September 2011


Hi, Pals. I have a GOOD news. I made a new blog. it's " themagiccat.blogspot.com " . I thought I could assure that you will like it more than this. So, what are you waiting for? I'm waiting you on my new sparkling Blog. (^_^)

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Karakter Cowok Virgo

Sifat dan Karakter cowok Virgo, cowo virgo menilai waktu itu sangat berharga, dan jika kamu membuatnya harus menunggu, ia akan menganggap hal itu sebagai penghinaan. Ia tidak suka mendengar kritik, dan benci dikritik.

Virgo tipe cowok yang cerdas dan dapat menerima komentar apa pun yang dia anggap dapat membantu dirinya berkembang. Dia adalah tipe orang yang mampu beradaptasi dengan baik terhadap perubahan. Cowok ini cenderung hemat dan agak sedikit pelit.

Ia hanya akan mengambil sifat ekstravagant untuk hiburan pribadinya saja. Ia cukup romantis, tipe cowok yang mau menempuh 100 mil hanya untuk mengatakan betapa ia kangen sama kamu. Jika ia tidak peduli kepada kamu, ia bahkan tidak akan mau membelanjakan koin lima ratusan hanya untuk menelepon kamu. Bahkan sekali pun ada diskon tarif SLJJ, ia tidak akan mau menggunakannya.

Dan dia akan melindungi kamu bagaikan barang antik yang sangat berharga, kadang sifatnya jadi terlalu over protektif dan posesif, dan umumnya mereka pencemburu berat sehingga sering membatasi gerak langkah kamu dalam berteman, tapi semua yang dilakukannya adalah karena dia sangat mencintai kamu.

Ia tidak suka orang yang kasar. Wanita pilihannya haruslah wanita yang rapi dan pandai berdandan. Ia akan mengawasi semua detail karena sifatnya yang perfeksionis, maka mungkin saja kamu sedang berjemur dengan berbikini, dan walaupun tubuh kamu nampak sempurna, tiba-tiba ia mengatakan kepadamu bahwa kaki kamu tampak besar. Jika bobot kamu naik 2pon, maka dia akan berkomentar bahwa kamu terlalu gemuk.

Sebelum berkencan dengan tipe cowok ini, Sebaiknya kamu harus mengamati penampilan kamu dari ujung kepala sampai ujung jari kaki, dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri apakah kamu telah sepenuhnya siap. Mungkin berkencan dengan model adalah satu-satunya cara meredam komentarnya. Dan itu pun bukan sebuah jaminan.

Ia memiliki bakat akting, maka jika ia mengaku tidak dapat pergi kencan dengan kamu karena sakit, kamu akan dengan mudah percaya kepadanya. Ia cukup sulit merasa puas, apalagi mengenai makanan, cara kerja, dan wanita pilihan. Ia selalu rapi dan teratur setiap waktu, bahkan mungkin jika ia bekerja sebagai tentara, maka ia dapat menjadi prajurit paling bersih di camp.

Ia suka berbicara dengan bahasa yang pantas dan sama sekali tidak menggunakan slang. Ia membenci kemalasan dan orang malas. Ia selalu bersikap seperti orang dewasa yang membosankan, tetapi begitu mengenal dia, kamu akan mengerti daya tarik dan pesonanya. Ia selalu dapat melihat segala sesuatunya dengan jelas, dan hal ini membuatnya tidak dapat dibutakan oleh cinta.

Ia adalah cowok yang baik dan "cool", tetapi jika ia secara terus menerus diganggu oleh sesuatu yang "kasar", atau ketololan, maka ia akan memperlihatkan kepada kamu bahwa ia benar-benar terganggu. Mungkin kamu akan menemui cowok dalam zodiak ini mengenakan t-shirt lama dan jeans lama, tetapi jika kamu amati lebih teliti lagi, kamu akan melihat betapa rapi tatanan rambutnya, dan secara tidak sadar akan sering sekali merapikan rambutnya.

Meja kerjanya selalu rapi dan jika ia melihat ada sobekan kertas di lantai, ia akan memungutnya dan membuangnya ke keranjang sampah. Banyak orang menganggapnya egois, karena pada saat dia menolak dan berkata "Tidak", dia memang benar-benar menolak. Apa pun bantuan yang dibutuhkan dari dirinya, ia tidak akan menolak, selama ia mampu melakukannya.

Makin banyak ia melihat cacat pada orang lain, Semakin ia berusaha melindungi cacat dirinya. Jika kamu ingin dia mengubah kesalahannya, maka coba katakan kepadanya dengan lembut, karena jika tidak, dia akan menganggap kritikan kamu sebagai hinaan. Ia ingin cinta yang berkualitas, maka dari itu jumlah pacaranya juga tidak banyak.

Jika ia putus dengan wanita, ia akan berusaha menghindari semua teman dan lingkungan mantan pacarnya. Ia sangat pemilih dan setiap kali putus, ia akan dua kali lebih hati-hati. Ia dapat membuat seorang wanita terlena dengan kemampuannya, tetapi ia tetap menjaga hubungan dengannya hanya seperti teman. Ia suka wanita yang tulus dan percaya diri, rapi dan bersih, sempurna dan teratur.

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Diamant synthétique

Un diamant synthétique (aussi appelé diamant de synthèse ou diamant de culture) est produit en utilisant différentes techniques physiques et chimiques, visant à reproduire la structure des diamants naturels.
Les diamants synthétiques sont en janvier 2006 vendus à des prix de 10% à 50% inférieurs à ceux des diamants naturels. Leur production annuelle atteignait 3 milliards de carats (600 tonnes) et un montant d'un milliard de dollars, à comparer aux 130 millions de carats (26 tonnes) de l'extraction minière.

Les joaillers préfèrent vendre un produit de luxe, donc rare. Ce n'est donc pas dans leur intérêts d'accroître la quantité disponible, ils ont fait de gros efforts pour éviter que les pierres de synthèse s'implantent sur le marché. En revanche, l'industrie apprécie les matériaux durs, comme le diamant (le carbure de silicium, le carbure de tungstène, etc.). La synthèse de diamant fut l'une des voies explorées dans cette recherche de matériaux durs.

Avec la découverte par Smithson Tennant en 1797 que le diamant est une forme cristalline du carbone s'ouvre la voie de la synthétisation de ce matériau. Il faut attendre un peu moins d'un siècle pour que les premières expériences sérieuses commencent avec James Ballantyne Hannay en 1880 et Henri Moissan en 1893. L'expérience de Moissan ne semble pas avoir été concluante, ce dernier n'ayant obtenu que de la moissanite, autrement dit du carbure de silicium. Celle de Hannay est plus controversée, car il a été impossible de reproduire ses résultats. Plusieurs autres expériences ont lieu et seulement deux autres pourraient avoir été un succès. Celle de Otto Ruff en 1917 et celle de Willard Hersey en 1926 [1]. Ces expériences ne sont que des débuts hésitants de la synthèse du diamant, la première véritable synthèse a lieu dans les années 1950.
L'histoire ne reprend donc que le 16 février 1953 à Stockholm en Suède, lors du projet QUINTUS de l'entreprise d'électricité ASEA. La technique, conçue par Baltzar von Platen et le jeune ingénieur Anders Kämpe, sera gardée secrète. Un an plus tard, General Electric répète l'opération et publie ses résultats dans le magazine Nature. C'est à cette date qu'est officiellement reconnue la création du premier diamant synthétique.
A la fin des années 1950, De Beers ainsi que les Russes et les Chinois débutèrent la fabrication de diamants synthétique pour l'industrie. Cela eu pour conséquence de faire chuter la valeur des diamants naturels destinés à l'industrie.
La première véritable utilisation des diamants de synthèse en joaillerie débute vers le milieu des années 1990. En janvier 2006, principalement deux entreprises se partagent le secteur 
La technique CVD (en français Dépôt chimique en phase vapeur) créait des couches de diamant. La méthode est de placer une couche de silice ou de diamant dans une chambre où règne une pression d'un dixième d'atmosphère. De l'hydrogène et du méthane sont alors injectés et chauffés par des micro-ondes. Les deux gaz se transforment en plasma et "tombent" sur le substrat, formant une couche de diamant qui croît avec le temps (environ 0,5 mm par jour), dans laquelle seront taillés des petits diamants. Les couches peuvent également servir telles quelles pour l'industrie.
Cette technique produit des diamants bien plus purs que ceux qui sont obtenus avec la HPHT. Mais produit des diamants moins résistant que la méthode hpht.


トマト(学名:Solanum lycopersicum)は、ナス科ナス属植物。また、その果実のこと。多年生植物で、果実は食用として利用される。トマトは、緑黄色野菜の一種である。

トマトは長らく独自の属(トマト属 Lycopersicon)に分類されてきたが、1990年代ごろからの様々な系統解析の結果、最近の分類ではナス属 (Solanum) に戻すようになってきている。元々リンネはトマトをナス属に含めてlycopersicum(ギリシャ語lycos '狼' + persicos '桃')という種小名を与えたが、1768年フィリップミラーがトマト属を設立して付けたLycopersicon esculentumが学名として広く用いられてきた。この学名は国際植物命名規約上不適切な(種小名を変えずにLycopersicon lycopersicumと すべき)ものであったが、広く普及していたため保存名とされてきた。しかし系統解析によりトマト属に分類されてきた植物がナス属の内部に含まれることが明 らかとなったため、ナス属を分割するか、トマト属を解消してナス属に戻すかの処置が必要になった。したがってリンネのやり方に戻して、学名もSolanum lycopersicumとするようになっている。
植物学において、近年トマトはナス科のモデル植物として注目されている。Micro Tom は矮性で実験室でも育成が可能な系統として利用されている。また、国際的なゲノムプロジェクトも行われており、研究のためのリソースが整備されつつある。

栽培種としてのトマト [編集]

植物的特性 [編集]

通常の品種(支柱に誘引するタイプ)では発芽後、本葉8葉から9葉目に最初の花房(第一花房)が付き、その後は3葉おきに花房を付ける性質をもつ。地這栽培用の品種では2葉おきに花房をつける品種も多い。 また、各節位からは側枝が発生する。側枝では5葉目と6葉目に花房が付き、その後は3葉おきに花房を付けるが、側枝は栽培管理上、除去される事が多い。 株がストレスを受けると正常な位置に花が付かない(花飛び)現象が発生するため、株が適切に生育しているかどうかを示す指針となる。

トマトにはアルカロイド配糖体(トマチン)が含まれる。その含量は品種や栽培方法によって異なるが、かずさDNA研究所による測定例では、花 (1100mg/kg) 、葉 (975mg/kg) 、茎 (896mg/kg) 、未熟果実 (465mg/kg) 、熟した青い果実・グリーントマト (48mg/kg) 、完熟果実 (0.4mg/kg) という報告がされている。

Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell (born 22 May 1970) is a British model. Scouted at the age of 15, she established herself among the top three most recognisable and in-demand models of the late 1980s and early 1990s,[3] and she was one of six models of her generation declared "supermodels" by the fashion world.[4] As the most famous black model of her time,[5] Campbell has been outspoken throughout her career against the racial bias that exists in the fashion industry.[6] Her personal life is widely reported, particularly her affairs with famous men—including boxer Mike Tyson and actor Robert De Niro[7]—and several high-profile assault 

mpbell was born in the working-class Streatham[9] In accordance with her mother's wishes, Campbell has never met her father,[10] who abandoned her mother when she was four months pregnant,[9] and who went unnamed on her birth certificate.[10] She took on the surname Campbell from her mother's second marriage.[9] Her half-brother, Pierre, was born in 1986.[11] Campbell is of Afro-Jamaican descent, as well as of Chinese Jamaican ancestry through her paternal grandmother, who carried the family name Ming.[9] district of South London, the daughter of Jamaican-born dancer Valerie Morris.
During her early years, Campbell lived in Rome, where her mother worked as a modern dancer.[7] Following their return to London, she was left in the care of her maternal grandmother, Ruby, while her mother travelled across Europe with the dance troupe Fantastica.[11] Campbell later blamed her ill temper and well-documented violent outbursts on the emotional trauma of being abandoned by her mother as a child, stating, "It comes from, I think, an abandonment issue and it comes from also trying to just build up a family around me that's not my immediate family and if I feel a mistrust, then all my cards go down."[12]
At five years old, Campbell was enrolled at the Barbara Speake Stage School.[11] Her first public appearance came at the age of seven, in 1978, when she was featured in the music video for Bob Marley's "Is This Love".[13] That same year, she played Snow White in two episodes of the Children's Film FoundationThe Chiffy Kids.[14] At the age of ten, Campbell was accepted into the Italia Conti Academy, where she studied ballet.[9] Two years later, she tap-danced in the music video for Culture Club's "I'll Tumble 4 Ya".[7] television series
In 1993, Campbell twice appeared on the cover of American Vogue; in April, alongside Christy Turlington, Claudia Schiffer, Stephanie Seymour, and Helena Christensen, and again, solo, in June. She famously fell on the runway in Vivienne Westwood's foot-high platform shoes, which were later displayed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[15] Despite her success, however, Elite Model Management, which had represented Campbell since 1987, fired her in September, on the grounds that "no amount of money or prestige could further justify the abuse" to staff and clients.[21] Elite founder John Casablancas described her as "manipulative, scheming, rude, and impossible."[21]
In the mid 1990s, Campbell branched out into other areas of the entertainment industry.[21] Her novel Swan, about a supermodel dealing with blackmail, was released in 1994 to poor reviews.[22] It was ghostwritten by Caroline Upcher, with Campbell explaining that she "just did not have the time to sit down and write a book."[23] That same year, Campbell released her album babywoman, named after designer Rifat Ozbek's nickname for her.[7] A critical and commercial failure,[24] the album produced the single "Love and Tears", which reached No. 40 on the UK charts.[25] In 1995, Campbell and fellow models Claudia Schiffer and Elle Macpherson invested in an ill-fated chain of restaurants called the Fashion Café.[4] Campbell also attempted an acting career: she had small roles in Miami Rhapsody and Spike Lee's Girl 6, as well as a recurring role on the second season of New York Undercover.[14]
In 1998, Time declared the end of the supermodel era.[4] By then, Campbell had mostly retired from the runway,[4] but she continued print modelling. In 1999, she signed her first cosmetics contract with Cosmopolitan Cosmetics, a division of Wella, through which she launched several signature fragrances.[7] In November of that year, she posed with twelve other top models for the "Modern Muses" cover of the Millennium Issue of American Vogue, shot by Annie Leibovitz.[7] The following month, she appeared in a white string bikini and furs on the cover of Playboy.[7] In October 2001, she appeared with rapper Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs on the cover of British Vogue, with the headline "Naomi and Puff: The Ultimate Power Duo".[7]

Michael Owen

Michael James Owen (born 14 December 1979 in Chester) is an English professional footballer who plays as a striker for Manchester United.[2]
The son of former footballer Terry Owen, Owen began his senior career at Liverpool in 1996. He progressed through the Liverpool youth team and scored on his debut in May 1997. In his first full season in the Premier League he finished as joint top scorer. He repeated the feat the following year and was Liverpool's top goal scorer from 1997–2004, in spite of a recurring hamstring injury. His first major club honours came in 2001 when Liverpool won a cup treble of the UEFA Cup, FA Cup and Football League Cup, and Owen was the recipient of the Ballon d'Or that year. He went on to score 118 goals in 216 appearances in the Premier League for Liverpool.

Internationally, Owen first played for the senior England team in 1998, becoming England's youngest player and youngest goalscorer at the time. His performance at the 1998 World Cup brought him to national and international prominence and he went on to appear, and score, in Euro 2000, the 2002 World Cup and Euro 2004. He is the only player to ever have scored in four major tournaments for England. He played at the 2006 World Cup but suffered an injury which took him a year to recover from. Occasionally playing as captain, he is England's seventh most-capped player and has scored a national record of 26 competitive goals, with 40 in total from 89 appearances, most recently in 2008.[3]
Owen's long injury absence after the 2006 World Cup resulted in a dispute between FIFA and The FA and Newcastle United, and eventually resulted in an unprecedented £10m compensation award to Newcastle, and brought changes to the compensation arrangements between club and country regarding injuries sustained by contracted club players while on international duty.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Sinopsis Tamra the Island

Drama ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pria yang berkebangsaan Inggris bernama William Spencer (Pierre Deporte)yang terdampar di sebuah pulau bernama Tamra. Drama ini bersetting pada abad 17, saat itu Korea masih dikuasai dinasti Joseon (Jangan2 masa pemerintahannya SukJong di Dong Yi z.. ). 

Dalam drama ini William digambarkan sebagai seorang pria bule yang sangat terobsesi pada daratan timur. Ia lari dari negaranya untuk bertualang ke daratan timur dengan menumpang kapal Belanda yang akan berlayar ke Jepang. Di tengah perjalanan, kapal yang ditumpangi William mengalami kecelakaan sehingga ia terlempar ke laut dan terdampar di pulau Tamra yang kemudian ditemukan oleh seorang penyelam wanita bernama Jang Beo Jin (Seo Woo). Di sisi lain, ada seorang pria bernama Park Kyu (Im Joo Hwan) yang datang ke pulau Tamra dengan menyamar sebagai narapidana, padahal ia sebenarnya adalah seorang pejabat istana. Kisah berkembang dengan cerita cinta segitiga antara William, Beo Jin dan Park Kyu.
Drama Tamra the Island ini diangkat dari sebuah komik dari judul yang sama. Yang membuat film ini unik, karena film ini merupakan film Korea yang tokoh utamanya seorang bule (Pierre Deporte) yang lahir dan besar di Perancis tetapi fasih berbahasa Korea. Kata Tamra itu sendiri ternyata merupakan kata lain dari Jeju.. Jadi drama ini judulnya Pulau Jeju… pulau yang paling indah di Korea.


Pierre Deporte di Tamra the island

Pierre Deporte yang wajahnya ikut menghiasi layar kaca dalam drama akhir pekan ‘Tamra the Island/Tempted Again’ sedang jadi topik hangat. Mungkin karena sekarang lahan entertainment Korea sudah memulai membuka jalan bagi warga asing untuk terjun ke sana.
Ketika ‘Tamra the Island’ mengadakan jumpa pers di sebuah hotel di Seoul. Pierre mencengangkan banyak pihak karena dia lancar berbahasa Korea. ‘Tamra the Island’ adalah debut Pierre pertamakali. Dia memerankan tokoh William, pemuda Inggris yang terdampar di pulau Tamra ( Tamra adalah nama awal pulau Jeju). Saat akting Deporte mengatakan, “Yang terpenting harus ku ingat adalah membaca dan mengerti skrip yang diberikan sebelum berakting. Aku baca skrip dan mencari tahu kata-kata apa yang tidak ku mengerti dalam kamus mobile ku.”
Semua itu terimakasih pada Ibu tirinya yang berasal dari korea yang menikahi ayahnya yang berkebangsaan Perancis, jadi Deporte belajar bahasa Korea sejak umur 5 tahun, kefasihannya dalam berbicara membuktikan betapa Koreanya dia.
Sutradara Yoon Sang-ho juga mengatakan, “Meskipun kami khawatir terhadapa Deporte karena dia itu orang asing dan masih rookie dalam bidang akting, tapi dia menyerap hal-hal yang di pelajarinya saat latihan dengan baik. Dan karena jalan pikiran serta kelakuannya yang sangat Korea, dia seperti orang Korea berambut pirang.”
Ini kali pertama ada aktor asing yang menjadi salah satu lead aktor dalam sebuah drama. Bukan hanya Deporte yang masih Rookie di drama akhir pekan tersebut, tapi kelima-limanya adalah aktor baru yang punya wajah fresh.
Tamra adalah drama yang diadaptasi dari komik berjudul sama yang terinspirasi dari kisah Hendrik Hamel (Belanda) yang terdampar di  pulau Jeju  saat ingin pergi ke Jepang di abad ke 17.



Switzerland (German: die Schweiz,[note 3] French: Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansh: Svizra), officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,[note 4] where it is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

Switzerland comprises three main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, and Italian, to which the Romansh-speaking valleys are added. The Swiss therefore do not form a nation in the sense of a common ethnic or linguistic identity. The strong sense of belonging to the country is founded on the common historical background, shared values (federalism, direct democracy, neutrality)[11] and Alpine symbolism.[12] The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291; Swiss National Day is celebrated on the anniversary.
The earliest known cultural tribes of the area were members of the Hallstatt and La Tène cultures, named after the archaeological site of La Tène on the north side of Lake Neuchâtel. La Tène culture developed and flourished during the late Iron Age from around 450 BC,[21] possibly under some influence from the Greek and Etruscan civilisations. One of the most important tribal groups in the Swiss region was the Helvetii. In 58 BC, at the Battle of Bibracte, Julius Caesar's armies defeated the Helvetii.[21] In 15 BC, Tiberius, who was destined to be the second Roman emperor and his brother, Drusus, conquered the Alps, integrating them into the Roman Empire. The area occupied by the Helvetii—the namesakes of the later Confoederatio Helvetica—first became part of Rome's Gallia Belgica province and then of its Germania Superior province, while the eastern portion of modern Switzerland was integrated into the Roman province of Raetia.
In the Early Middle Ages, from the 4th century, the western extent of modern-day Switzerland was part of the territory of the Kings of the Burgundians. The Alemanni settled the Swiss plateau in the 5th century and the valleys of the Alps in the 8th century, forming Alemannia. Modern-day Switzerland was therefore then divided between the kingdoms of Alemannia and Burgundy.[21] The entire region became part of the expanding Frankish Empire in the 6th century, following Clovis I's victory over the Alemanni at Tolbiac in 504 AD, and later Frankish domination of the Burgundians.[23][24]
Throughout the rest of the 6th, 7th and 8th centuries the Swiss regions continued under Frankish hegemony (Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties). But after its extension under Charlemagne, the Frankish empire was divided by the Treaty of Verdun in 843.[21] The territories of present day Switzerland became divided into Middle Francia and East Francia until they were reunified under the Holy Roman Empire around 1000 AD.[21]
By 1200, the Swiss plateau comprised the dominions of the houses of Savoy, Zähringer, Habsburg and Kyburg.[21] Some regions (Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, later known as Waldstätten) were accorded the Imperial immediacy to grant the empire direct control over the mountain passes. When the Kyburg dynasty fell in 1264 AD, the Habsburgs under King Rudolph I (Holy Roman Emperor in 1273) extended their territory to the eastern Swiss plateau.[23]


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Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (play /ˈrzəvɛlt/ roh-zə-velt or play /ˈrzəvəlt/ roh-zə-vəlt; January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945) also known by his initials, FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he facilitated a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDR's persistent optimism and activism contributed to a renewal of the national spirit.[1] He worked closely with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, but died just as victory was in sight.

Roosevelt is an Anglicized form of the Dutch surname 'Van Rosevelt,' or 'Van Rosenvelt', meaning 'from field of roses.'[2] Although some use an Anglicized spelling pronunciation of /ˈrzəvɛlt/, that is, with the vowel of ruse, FDR himself used [ˈroʊzəvəlt], with the vowel of rose. (The last syllable was pronounced by him with a schwa, or nondescript vowel, almost as vult.)
The family was wealthy, and the family had inherited millions from the opium trade.[3]
One of the oldest families in New York State, the Roosevelts distinguished themselves in areas other than politics. One ancestor, Isaac Roosevelt, had served with the New York militia during the American Revolution.[4] Roosevelt attended events of the New York society Sons of the American Revolution, and joined the organization while he was president. His mother named him after her favorite uncle Franklin Delano.
Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York. His father, James Roosevelt, and his mother, Sara Ann Delano, were sixth cousins[4] and both were from wealthy old New York families, of Dutch and French ancestry respectively. Franklin was their only child.
Roosevelt grew up in an atmosphere of privilege. Sara was a possessive mother; James, 54 when Franklin was born, was considered by some as a remote father, though biographer Burns indicates James interacted with his son more than was typical at the time.[5] Sara was the dominant influence in Franklin's early years;[6] she once declared "My son Franklin is a Delano, not a Roosevelt at all."[4] Frequent trips to Europe made Roosevelt conversant in German and French. He learned to ride, shoot, row, and play polo and lawn tennis. Roosevelt also took up golf in his teen years, becoming a skilled long, hitter. He learned to sail; his father gave him a sailboat which he named "New Moon".
Roosevelt attended Groton School, an Episcopal boarding school in Massachusetts; ninety percent of the students were from families on the social register. He was heavily influenced by its headmaster, Endicott Peabody, who preached the duty of Christians to help the less fortunate and urged his students to enter public service. Forty years later Roosevelt said of Peabody, "It was a blessing in my life to have the privilege of [his] guiding hand."[7] Roosevelt was a "B" student.


Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

maher zain's biography


Maher Zain was born in 1981 in Lebanon. His father Mustapha Maher was a singer in his hometown Tripoli (in Lebanon). His family moved to Sweden when Maher was only eight, where he continued his schooling. Maher got his first keyboard when he was ten. He later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. During his teenage years, he liked to spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way.


After being involved for a while in the music scene as a music producer[2], Maher was introduced to RedOne, a Swedish music producer ofMoroccan origin in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne and later moved to New York where he took part in producing Kat DeLuna, Abdel Rahman Aouni and others. Then he returned for a while to Sweden where he had his religious awakening. In January 2009, Maher Zain began working on an album and signed with Awakening Records.
Maher has toured the Middle East, the United States for a 5-city tour with Islamic Relief and has had a highly successful tour in Malaysia. Maher Zain first album titled Thank You Allah was ranked first in the Amazon World Music charts and ninth place in the chart R & B. His album went platinum in Malaysia.


Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


15 Sifat Perempuan Berdasarkan Primbon

Mau tau sifat-sifat cewe berdasarkan primbon tuh kayak gimana??? siapa tau aja ada yang cocok ma sifat cewe lu. Caranya gampang kok, tinggal ketik REG<spasi>PRIMBON trus jangan dikirim ke *0123# karna gk bakalan nyambunglol2, hehehe cuman becanda biar gak tegang. Ya udah langsung aja nih gw kasih listnya.
1)  Beras Tumpah
Kalo kulit cewe lu berwarna kuning, rambutnya lembut ampe ke ujung
trus payudaranya lumayan gede, ada tahi lalat ditelinganya.
Nah berarti cewe lu tuh orangnya cepat naik darah (bukan naik yang lain yah), trus orangnya pemboros (mungkin gara-gara sering kesalon) and suka bertengkar ma suami.
2)  Bintang Kesiangan
Cewe lu berkulit hitam manis (ya iya lah manis, kata cowoknya), rambutnya lebat berombak, wajahnya udah pasti manis dong, mata redup seperti mengantuk.
Berarti cewe lu itu senengnya bareng-bareng ma lu terus (kaya perangko), and mesra ma suami.
3)  Bunga Lawang Perawakan tubuh cewe lu tuh kecil, kulitnya putih agak kekuning-kuningan (bukan kuning karna penyakit), kalo jalan udah kaya harimau yang lagi lapar, trus klo pergi kemana-mana pengennya cepet.
Berarti cewe lu itu pinter banget nyimpen rahasia, sopan santun ke sesamanya bagus tuh, trus lebih mementingkan kebahagiaan rumah tangga dan keluarganya.
4)  Durgasari Cewe lu punya muka bujur telur (lonjong) berwarna sedikit kemerahan, lehernya agak jenjang.
Hati-hati sob!!!, cewe lu kayaknya suka berkhianat, tidak baik dalam rumah tangga dan suka berbohong.
5)  Emping Hijau
Kulit gelap trus rambutnya hitam lembut, muka panjang, badan tegap mempunyai kaki kecil dan kering, kukunya panjang dan kecil.
Beruntung lu punya dia, dia tuh orangnya baik, murah rezekinya, tapi suka merajuk dan pulang kerumah orang tuanya.
6)  Galak Ulat Warna kulit cewe lu kuning, berambut keras dan lurus, di ujung rambutnya berwarna merah. Waduh kasian lu, soalnya dia suka menolak kehendak suami, hehe.
7)  Gandasari Berkulit kuning dan berambut hitam berkilat, mempunyai leher agak pendek, klo bergerak seperti orang malas (kayak ogah-ogahan gitu), payudaranya lumayan lah, tingkah lakunya pantas, trus manis klo dipandang. Berarti cewe lu kalo marah jarang diliatin (gk blak-blakan), tutur katanya lembut dan pandai dalam melaksanakan kewajiban didalam rumah tangga.
8)  Kunci Kencana Warna kulitnya gelap, berbadan tinggi besar dan kakinya pendek
Berarti cewek lu tuh gampang bosenan ma suaminya.
9)  Matahari Jatuh
Warna kulit kuning, urat terlihat hijau, alisnya lentik dan matanya redup, wajahnya so pasti manis.
Cewe lu itu seorang yang penyabar, klo ngomong slalu dijaga (gk asal ngomong) berbudi bahasa, biso nerimo klo dia dimadu (asik tuh) setia terhadap pasangan, teliti dalam pekerjaan dan murah rezekinya.
10)  Matahari Terbenam Perawakan kecil dengan warna kulit kemerahan, sedikit tanda kebiruan di wajah, alis mata tebal.
Dia seorang penyimpan rahasia sob, orangnya spontan, klo dijadiin istri kayaknya kurang sesuai tetapi klo dijadiin sahabat pas banget.
11)  Puspa Mekar
Bentuk badan kaya lelaki, tulangnya agak menonjol, klo berdiri kakinya kaya bertemu dan ruas betisnya panjang.
Cewe lu tuh bisa melayani kehendak suami.
12)  Silasari Kulitnya kuning mempunyai rambut lembut sampe ke ujung, payudaranya kecil mempunyai tahi lalat di cuping telinga.
Awas sob dia tuh suka naik darah dan pemboros.
13)  Sirih Terlentang Kaki agak melintang, klo tiap kali jalan kakinya tuh suka menendang tanah.
Hati-hati sob!!!, orangnya pemboros dan suka melakukan perbuatan keji.
14)  Sinar Kencana
Dia klo duduk tuh tenang, agak pendiam gitu (diam menghanyutkan), rambutnya lembut hitam dan halus, postur tubuhnya besar.
Cewe lu baik sob, pandai menjaga hati.
15)  Sari Maya Badan kurus, berambut genjur dan kasar, rona wajahnya kemerahan.
Cewe lu gak pandai meminta-minta, nerimo apa aja keadaan yang sedang dialami, ini nih yang penting taat kepada perintah Allah SWT.
Gimana tuh primbonnya??? ada deskripsi yang mirip ma cewek lu gak?
Hehehe ini cuman hiburan semata kok, gak maksud nyinggung siapapun and hati cewe manapun.
pointing Jangan dianggap serius dan jangan pernah percaya, karna bakal mengakibatkan syirik. SOOOO.. INI BUAT HAPPY HAPPY AJJEEE. HE HE HE




Are U gay ?

What causes homosexuality? There has been much debate about what causes homosexuality. Is there a gay gene? Is homosexuality caused by environmental factors, such as upbringing, child molestation, an absent mother or affectionate father? Or is it something we’re born with, an inherited trait, like skin or hair color?
Although there have been few studies on the cause of homosexuality, the debate seems to be divided, with scientists in one corner and religious fundamentalists in another.

What is Sexual Orientation?

The American Psychological Association defines sexual orientation as such: Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction that a person feels toward another person. Sexual orientation falls along a continuum. In other words, someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but can feel varying degrees of attraction for both genders. Sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime—different people realize at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual. They go on to say that sexual behavior is not the same as sexual orientation. Certainly gay individuals can engage in heterosexual sex, in fact many do before they come out. One needs to look no further than the prison population to see evidence of homosexual behavior in otherwise heterosexual individuals. (And I’m not including incidents of prison rape in this analysis.)
Also, the work of Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s determined that most individuals are not exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but most fall somewhere in the between the two.

Why does it matter?

Does it matter if homosexuality is a choice or if it’s something one is born with? Shouldn’t gay people be afforded the same rights as heterosexuals whether being gay is a choice or not? Not all people think that way. If homosexuality is caused by genetic or inborn traits, then gay and lesbian people would be unable to change their sexual orientation, even if they wanted to. But if homosexuality is caused by some environmental factor, then gays and lesbians could change and become straight with therapy. Or so some religious fundamentalists and other anti-gay crusaders would have you believe.

Is being gay a choice?

If you ask most gay people they will tell you that being gay is not something they chose. Why would anyone choose to be something that could cause them to be scorned by society, rejected by their families, deny them rights and subject them to possible violent hate crimes? That is not to say that all of being gay or lesbian is negative. In fact, most lesbians, once they come out, say they’ve never been happier or more fulfilled. Some lesbians will contend that being gay is a choice, especially those who were once married or came out later in life. Others are angered to hear someone say that. Sheryl Swoopes received some scorn from the gay and lesbian community when she said she thought being gay was her choice., “I think there are a lot of people -- gays and lesbians -- who believe you are born that way. I think there also a lot of people who believe it's a choice. And, for me, I believe it was a choice. I was at a point in my life where I had gone through a divorce and was not in a relationship, and the choice I made happened to be that I fell in love with another woman” she said in an interview on Gay.com
Many gays and lesbians would argue that being gay is not a choice, but whether to act on it is. We don’t choose our sexual orientation, but we do choose whether or not to come out of the closet.
Most scientific organizations also believe that homosexuality is not a choice, that biology plays some role. The National Mental Health Association says, “Most researchers believe sexual orientation is complex, and that biology plays an important role. This means that many people are born with their sexual orientation, or that it’s established at an early age.”

What Twin Studies Tell us about Homosexuality

Scientists have studied twins to try and learn if being gay is biologically determined. Studies of identical and fraternal twins suggest that there is a genetic influence on sexual orientation. If being gay were strictly genetic, then in identical twins, there would be a 100% concordance rate for sexual orientation. But one study in 1995 found a 52% correlation for male identical twins and 22% for male fraternal twins. A study on females came up with similar results. If one identical twin was a lesbian, in 48% of cases, the other twin was also a lesbian. For fraternal twins, the concordance was 16%. (source Simon LeVay These studies show that people with the same genetic make up (identical twins) are more likely to share sexual orientation than those with different genetic make up (fraternal twins.) Genetics alone cannot cause sexual orientation, but they do play a part.

Is there a gay gene?

Scientists have not been able to conclude that there is any gene or combination of genes that will make someone gay. Genetics is very complex and scientists continue to study both humans and animals chromosomes for linkage to sexual orientation.

What about the gay brain study?

A widely publicized study in 1999 found that a certain part of the hypothalamus was smaller in gay men then in heterosexual men. This study was widely touted at the time as “proof” that one’s sexual orientation is biological and not chosen. But it is not known whether these differences in brain are present at birth or if they occur over a lifetime.

In conclusion

Despite social science and biological research, it is still not known what causes someone to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight. Scientists and social scientists will no doubt continue to study the causes of homosexuality in both animals and humans.
No matter what they find, gays, lesbians and their supporters will continue the fight for fair and equal treatment.
